Supplier information and intelligence systems (SIIS)


We work with clients such as EDF to build supply chain information and intelligence systems.  We gather empirical data. process, and combine the results with other sources of external and internal data. Then our users be they Contract Managers, or senior executive teams can use the information to provide insights around risk, opportunity, scenario planning, and resilience.

Gathering and processing information.

Our Gateway allows Tier 1 suppliers to login and directly update their supply chain data.  We link this to the SIIS module to allow both Tier 2 and 3 supply chain visibility and management.  This also allows us to identify and track recurring suppliers across the whole of the supply chain with multiple suppliers, to provide a key component of our risk modelling.

SIIS Image

Supplier information and intelligence

We then combine multiple different information sources for example Dunn and Bradstreet credit data, with supplier location, and Tier 1 submitted information on their supply chains.  This then creates insights not available or visible in any other way.  By using machine learning we can discover previously unforeseen risks and optimise supply chain composition.


Our spotlight tool then collects the various data sources and incorporate Machine learning capabilities together with wider global intelligence.  This allows our users to asses potential threats, assess the consequences, and create contingency plans.

If you need more information or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

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partner logo | Morgan Sindall
partner logo | Wellcome
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partner logo | edf